Bellvue Pipeline Project

Greeley is building a 60-inch pipeline to transport additional drinking water to Greeley residents. The pipeline runs from the Bellvue Water Treatment Plant northwest of Fort Collins to the existing Greeley transmission lines along Highway 34. The pipeline adds to Greeley's existing transmission lines that were built between 1907 and 1952.

The project began in 2003 and is anticipated to finish by 2027. Approximately 25 of the 29 miles of pipeline are complete and in service. Greeley Water and Sewer staff are currently working on the last segment of the project called the Gold Hill segment.

Construction on the last section of the new Greeley Pipeline

Construction on the last section of the new Greeley Pipeline.

Bellvue Pipeline Map

Bellvue Pipeline Map

Key Stats:

  • The pipeline flows by gravity from Belluve and adds 50 million gallons per day of transmission capacity to Greeley's existing water lines. When additional transmission capacity is needed, Greeley can pump the water and increase the capacity to 100 million gallons per day.
  • Construction began in 2003 to replace the original lines built between 1907-1952. The project is being completed in several segments.
  • About 25 miles of the 29-mile pipeline is complete and in service.
  • The last segment of the project is in progress and scheduled for completion by 2027 at an approximate cost of $22,065,000.

Contact Us

Greeley Water and Sewer
1001 11th Avenue, 2nd Floor
Greeley, CO 80631

Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm
970-350-9805 fax

(Select an option)
1 Make a payment
2 Utility billing or service questions
3 Water emergency
4 Sewer emergency
5 Water quality
6 Water conservation, new water taps or raw water dedication
7 Lead protection program
8 New water meter

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Lead Protection Program

Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation Facility

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Water Quality

Water Resources and Supply