Non-Potable Facilities
We have a long history of non-potable irrigation, beginning in 1870 when Greeley started to use the No. 3 Ditch to water parks and gardens. When cost-effective, the city builds non-potable facilities to water grass on large properties such as parks, businesses, and common areas of homeowners' associations. The city is working on a policy to encourage more non-potable irrigation for commercial and residential development.
The Water Department and the Culture, Parks, and Recreation Department work together to operate several pump stations that are in operation from March 30 until Oct. 31.
Greeley Irrigation Company Number 3 DitchThe No. 3 Ditch is a 13-mile ditch that begins
west of 71st Avenue and ends just south of the Weld County Airport at Fern Avenue. The City of Greeley owns approximately 25 percent of the shares in the company.
Poudre PondsPoudre Ponds storage facility is in north Greeley between 25th and 35th avenues between F and O streets. The area contains two ponds (Pond A and Pond B), each able to store 1,500 acre-feet (approximately 489 million gallons) of water. In addition to water storage, the site also offers recreational fishing.
Overland Trail PondsLocated along the Poudre River north of Fort Collins. Overland Trail Ponds will be completely online by 2022. Greeley owns 51 percent of the project.
If you have any questions concerning a particular ditch, canal, lake, pond, or a non-potable site in the Greeley area, please call 350-9811.